McKesson I.V. Start Kit With Tegaderm Dressing And PVP Swabstick

McKesson I.V. Start Kit With Tegaderm Dressing And PVP Swabstick

Brand/Manufacturer: MCKESSON
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  • FSA Approved

McKesson I.V. Start Kit With Tegaderm Dressing, PVP Prep Pad, Nitrile Gloves designed with the help of medical staff to streamline components and reduce waste. Components are packaged in sequence of use, allowing the clinician to progress efficiently through procedures. Not Made with Natural Rubber Latex. Contents 1 - Tourniquet 1 - PVP Swabstick 1 - Alcohol Prep Pad 2 - Woven Gauze 2 x 2 Inch(8-Ply) 2 - Tape Strips 0.5 x 4 Inch 2 - Tape Strips 1 x 4 Inch 1 - Tegadermâ„¢ Dressing, 2.37 x 2.75 1 - IV Change Label.

Item # Desc Pkg Price
25-8825 Start Kit Each

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