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Why is it important to cleanse a wound?

Wound cleansers are liquids that are specially prepared to help in the cleaning of the wound. Wound cleansers have anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, and moisturising properties. They remove the debris and clean the exudate from small wounds to deep cavity wounds. They can be used to clean the wound and then later the gauze or bandage can be dipped in the wound cleanser and applied to the wound. Wound cleansers are an important part of wound care as they help in cleaning the wound and getting rid of any kind of debris, necrotic tissue, etc. thus reducing the chances of infection.

Types of Wound Cleansers

There are four types of wound cleansers 

  • Normal Saline Solutions – They are normal isotonic solutions that do not interfere with the normal healing process of the wound. They are also very cheap. 
  • Commercial Cleansers – They come in different forms such as surfactants that repel water and absorb other non-water substances such as oil and grease and anti-microbial solutions that kill the bacteria or any other organic matter within the wound. 
  • Skin Cleansers – These solutions are very powerful and hence are not used directly on an open wound. They are mixed with water and help removing particle matter from the wound. 
  • Lactated Ringer’s Solution – Sodium, potassium, and calcium chloride are the main components of this cleanser. They are helpful in cleaning the wound without damaging the active cells.

Features of Wound Cleansers

  • Cleans the wound makes the wound site anti-septic 
  • Helps remove the debris and other external contaminate 
  • Helps the dressing absorb the exudate by irrigating the wound 
  • Works as an antiseptic solution to be used with the dressing too 
  • Aids in removing necrotic tissue 
  • Works as an antimicrobial and antibacterial solution, reducing infection

Where to buy Wound Cleansers online?

Wound cleansers have anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, and moisturizing properties. and specially prepared to help in the cleaning of the wound. We at Shop Wound Care have a wide range of wound cleansers from top selling brands such as Medline, MPM Medical, Oculus Innovative Science, etc.

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