Buy Wound Irrigation and Drainage Products [Save Up To 50%]



Why is Wound Irrigation important?

Wound irrigation is vital for wound healing, and it is the most effective intervention in wound care that can reduce the risk of infections. It is a non-invasive procedure in which a steady flow of an irrigation solution is used across an open wound to achieve wound hydration. The purpose of wound irrigation is to remove foreign material, decrease bacterial contamination, and remove debris or exudate from the wound's surface. Wound irrigation is indicated for the management of both acute and chronic wounds, especially those undergoing surgical repair, suturing, or debridement.

Drainage and irrigation are important aspects of wound care since cleaning the wound of debris and draining the exudate of the wound are essential for healing. At Shop Wound Care, we offer high-quality irrigation and drainage supplies from top-selling brands such as BSN, Medline, etc. These products include irrigation solutions, irrigation shields, bulb syringes, wound drains, drainage collectors, etc. The body fluids may splash and spray due to the use of pressure while irrigating a wound, and BSN Splashcap Wound Irrigation Shield helps prevent that.

Important things to consider while performing Wound Irrigation?

  • The doctor will assess the wound, and an appropriate solution and the amount are selected for wound irrigation.
  • Wounds are to be irrigated every time you change the dressing.
  • Irrigation may be performed under local anesthesia, depending on the extent of the wound.
  • The procedure should be performed under strict aseptic conditions. Before starting the process, one should wash hands properly, don gloves, a face mask, and eye protection gear to help avoid contamination of the wound and get protection from body fluids.
  • Normal saline is the commonly used irrigation solution; however, there is evidence that tap water can result in faster wound healing, provided that a clean water source is available.
  • Pressure is the key to effective irrigation. Too little pressure will not remove the surface bacteria, leading to infection. Too much pressure can push the bacteria and foreign material deeper into the wound and damage delicate granulation tissue.

What is a Surgical Drain?

After surgery, fluids may collect inside the body in the surgical area, which can lead to an infection or other problems. A wound drain is a small plastic tube that allows the fluids to flow out. The doctor puts the wound drain during the surgery, which sticks out of the body until removed. The plastic tube connects to a small bag that collects the fluid drained from the surgical site. Not all surgeries require a drain, and your surgeon will recommend you one if necessary.

Types of Wound Drains

Open Drainage Systems

Open drainage systems like Penrose drains are inserted into the body cavity or the wound to remove exudates. They are not sutured in but secured with a safety pin at the end to keep the drain from getting pulled inside. The end of the drain is covered by a bandage to collect the drainage. McKesson Wound Drain Tube is a single-use drain.

Closed Drainage Suction Systems

Closed drainage systems like a JP drain use a vacuum to draw fluids out of the wound into a closed system. These drains may be sutured to keep them in place. Jackson-Pratt Flat Silicone Drain without Trocar Kit features clear reservoirs and graduations, which makes it easy to identify and measure exudates.

How does a JP Drain work?

The Jackson Pratt drain comprises two components: a thin rubber tube and a soft, round grenade-shaped squeeze bulb. One end of the tube is placed in the area where fluid may build-up, and the other end comes out from a small incision in the skin. The squeeze bulb is attached to this end. When the bulb is compressed, the drain will automatically suction fluid out. The bulb has to be squeezed very well, and the drain tab has to be closed for the suction to work.

How do I empty the Wound Drain?

The bulb is to be emptied when it is half full.

  • Wash hands with soap and water.
  • Remove the plug out of the bulb.
  • Empty the fluid into a measuring cup.
  • Clean the plug with an alcohol swab.
  • Squeeze the bulb until all the air is removed and the bulb is flat.
  • Put the plug back in. The bulb should remain flat until it starts to fill with fluid again.
  • Measure the amount of fluid you emptied from the drain and the date and time of the collection.
  • Flush the fluid down the toilet. 
  • Wash your hands well.

Where to buy Wound Drains and Drainage Systems online?

Shop Wound Care offers a wide collection of wound irrigation and drainage products that help facilitate wound management and reduce the chances of infections. These drainage supplies are from the industry leaders like Cardinal Health, Mckesson, Hollister, etc. Place an order today!

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