Accurate Wound Measurement Products | Wound Measurement Guides and Rulers

Wound measurement or assessment is an important part of wound management that helps in measuring the contours of the body, depth of the wound, length and breadth of the wound, and the diameter of the wound. The measurement of the wound allows a person to judge the amount of solution or analgesic that would be required to clean the wound. The dimensions of the dressing also depend on the size of the wound. These devices include measurement guides, rulers, and depth guide.

At Shop Wound Care we have a wide range of wound measurement devices from top selling brands such as Dumex/Derma Sciences, McKesson, Medical Action Industries, etc.


Features of Wound Measurement Products

  • Helps in measuring the depth and diameter of a wound 

  • Measure the contours of the body 

  • Helps one decide the amount of dressing, tape, and solution required for the wound 

  • Includes rulers, guides, and depth measurement sticks

How to Use Wound Measurement Devices?

When measuring a wound always assume the directions of the wound to be a clock. This helps in understanding the correct measurement points and hence calculate everything properly 

  • For measuring the length - Assume that the part of the wound towards the head is 12 o’clock and towards the feet is 6 o’clock. For wounds under the feet the toes are 12 o’clock and the heel is 6 o’clock. Measure the distance between the longest face of the clock to determine the length. 

  • For measuring the width - Assume the end on the right of the 12 o’clock to be 3 o’clock and the one to the left as 9 o’clock. This divides the wound completely into a clock like graph. Measure the distance from the 3 o’clock to the 9 o’clock face to determine the width. 

  • For measuring the depth - Here you would need to place a cotton-tip applicator in the deepest part of the wound. Find the point where it meets the wound margin and then place against a ruler to find the depth of the wound.

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