Wound Remedies


Minor wounds, like a superficial cut or laceration which do not require stitches, can easily be treated at home with natural remedies. Here are two ways of doing this:

1. Potatoes

Raw Potatoes
Raw potatoes are good for such wounds. They are highly moisturizing in nature and hence, encourage fast healing.

• Grate 1-2 potatoes.
• Wash the wound thoroughly with warm water.
• Take the grated poultice and place it on a clean piece of cloth.
• Keep this on the wound for 4-5 hours.
• Remove and clean the wound area.
• Repeat till recovery.

2. Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing in nature. It prevents infections and promotes healing.

• Wash the wound thoroughly with warm water.
• Apply extra-virgin coconut oil to the wound site.
• Wrap a thin strip of sterile bandage around the wound.
• Repeat twice, each time changing the bandage.
• Repeat this procedure daily till wound recovery.
• Continue applying it even after healing to prevent scars.

3. Honey

Honey has antibacterial properties and a unique pH balance that promotes oxygen and healing compounds to a wound.

• Start with clean hands and applicators, always.
• Apply the honey to a dressing, then dressing to the skin.
• Gently place a clean, dry dressing over the honey .
• Replace the dressing whenever needed.
• Wash your hands after dressing the wound.


Food plays an important role in wound healing not only because nutrition is important for overall health but certain foods provide an essential boost to the immune system. If a body’s immunity is strong, the wound recovery, especially those involving stitches, will be fast. Several foods are found to assist in tissue production because of the high content of vitamins and nutrients.

Wound Healing and Nutrition

1. Broccoli

Broccoli might not exactly be palatable but it is a very healthy. It is rich in minerals and helps heal wounds with its high levels of phytonutrients. Antioxidants, present in it, reduce inflammation as well as increase the body’s immunity. Broccoli also has a rich presence of zinc which helps in the epitheliazation of wounds.

2. Tomatoes

Tomatoes provide a boost to the body’s immunity bringing down the risk of wound infection. They are rich in the antioxidant lycopene which protects from oxidation which can damage cells. These red fruits also contain high levels of Vitamins A and C which help in cellular growth and boost tissue growth and repair.


3. Soy

Soy is a good source of Vitamins A, C, D, E and K and including soy protein into your diet is a good way of promoting wound healing. Soy is found to have a two-fold impact on a wound – it improves the skin health and, at the same time, provides a boost to the body’s immune system.

4. Bell Peppers & Citrus Fruits

These foods contain vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is an important requirement post-surgery for the synthesis of collagen which is crucial to wound healing, especially those with stitches. Vitamin C promotes the repair of collagen which is necessary for healthy skin and tissues. It speeds up wound healing because of its antioxidant-qualities.

Bell Peppers and  Citrus Fruits
Nuts and Seeds

5. Nuts & Seeds

Nuts, like almonds, peanuts and cashews, are high in protein and for those who have wounds eating these is one of the best ways to promote healing. Seeds of pumpkin and squash as well as sesame seeds are a good source of zinc and known to boost the body’s immune system.

6. Fishes

Fishes are known to be one of the most healthy meats in the world. With great amounts of zinc, a healthy diet of fishes can improve the body's capability of healing wounds. From cuts to bruises, zinc is known to be an active agent in helping the body during all the stages of wound healing.


Organic Remedies and Prevention of Wounds At Home


  • Lavender Oil – Increases cell growth and highly anti-septic
  • Turmeric – Highly anti-septic and anti-biotic in nature
  • Crushed Garlic Cloves – Stops bleeding & reduces pain
  • Aloe Vera – Great anti-inflammatory and soothing properties


  • Cool Water – For minor burns, run cool water over burn
  • Wet Cloth – Gently place a wet cloth over the burn
  • Ginger – Cut a piece and gently press over minor burn
  • Tea Bag – Place a wet, cool tea bag to sooth burning sensation


  • Arnica Cream – Reduces inflammation and alleviates pain
  • Pineapple – Contains bromelain. Eat a pineapple to expedite healing
  • Leafy Vegetables – Contain vitamin K that helps person bruise less
  • Frakincense Oil – Helps relieve pain and provides comfort


  • Clove Water – Contains highly anti-bacterial properties
  • Limestone Powder – Mix with turmeric to provide infection protection
  • Onion – Blend with honey to create a highly anti-bacterial paste
  • CBD Oil – Proven to have anti-infection properties
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