Mabis DMI Adult Leg Cast and Bandage Protector

Mabis DMI Adult Leg Cast and Bandage Protector

Brand/Manufacturer: MABIS DMI HEALTHCARE
Authorized Retailer Badge
  • FSA Approved

Mabis DMI Adult Leg Cast and Bandage Protector provides moisture protection for plaster and synthetic casts, bandages, rashes, prostheses, splints, burns and lacerations. Its watertight design allows protection when showering. Made up of durable, abrasion-resistant vinyl while its patented design provides quick, one hand application.

Item # Desc Pkg Price
539-6583-5500 Short Leg, Length: 23" Each
539-6584-5500 Long Leg, Length: 42" Each


  • Mabis DMI Adult Leg Cast and Bandage Protector is reusable
  • Latex-free

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