Cardinal Health Hydrocolloid Dressing

Cardinal Health Hydrocolloid Dressing

Brand/Manufacturer: CARDINAL HEALTH
Authorized Retailer Badge
  • FSA Approved

Cardinal Health Hydrocolloid Dressing consist of a wound contact layer of hydrocolloids and a semi-permeable, polyurethane film backing. It has propriety gelling formulation which allows for most of the gel to be removed together with the dressing, resulting in little or no damage to the newly formed tissue.

Item # Desc Pkg Price
HC44 4" x 4" Each
HC88 8" x 8" Each
HC44 4" x 4" 10/Pack
HC88 8" x 8" 5/Pack
HC66 6" x 6" Each
HC66 6" x 6" 5/Pack

Cardinal Health Hydrocolloid Dressing Features

  • Flexible, low-friction film backing reduces skin friction with clothing and patient bedding 
  • Moisture-resistance will remain in place during showering

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  • Over the counter (OTC): For minor scalds and burns, minor cuts, lacerations and minor abrasions
  • Under supervision of a healthcare professional: May be used for the management of light to moderately exuding partial and full thickness wounds including:
    - Pressure ulcers
    - Donor sites
    - Dermatological excisions
    - Diabetic ulcers
    - Second-degree burns
    - Surgical wounds (post-operative left to heal by secondary intent)
    - Leg ulcers (venous stasis ulcers, arterial ulcers, and leg ulcers of mixed etiology)
    - Traumatic wounds (ie. skin tears and secondary healing wounds)


Third-degree burns or on individuals who are sensitive to or who have had an allergic reaction to the dressing or its components.

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