Argentum Silverlon Antimicrobial Wound Packing Strips

Argentum Silverlon Antimicrobial Wound Packing Strips

Brand/Manufacturer: ARGENTUM MEDICAL LLC
  • FSA Approved

Argentum Silverlon Antimicrobial Wound Packing Strips are packed into open wounds that are infected or have a high potential of being infected. These strips provide an antimicrobial barrier to the entry of external bacteria and fungi as well as an antimicrobial agent for reducing the bacteria and fungi on the surface of the open wound. These are sterile, non adherent and antimicrobial barrier strips.

Item # Desc Pkg Price
WPS-112 1" x 12" 5/Pack


  • Argentum Silverlon Antimicrobial Wound Packing Strips can be packed into any type of infectious open wound that cannot be closed primarily
  • Indications:
    - Control local bleeding and nasal hemorrhage
    - Encourage draining by wicking fluids from a body cavity, infected area, or abscess
    - Help remove necrotic tissue from ulcers or other infected wounds when used as a wet to dry packing
    - Local management of lacerations

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