Andover CoFlex TLC Zinc Lite Two Layer Compression Bandage System

Andover CoFlex TLC Zinc Lite Two Layer Compression Bandage System

  • FSA Approved

Andover CoFlex TLC Zinc Lite Two Layer Compression Bandage System is an Unna boot foam comfort roll with zinc. It is a cohesive compression bandage that is moisture resistant and provides continuous restorative compression. It includes nylon stocking to use over the top of the system for ease of movement. It is designed to be used for patients with multiple wounds and other skin conditions such as dermatitis associated with venous hypertension. It provides immediate comfort on the skin and sustained compression to heal from the inside out.

Item # Desc Pkg Price
8830UBZ-TN 3" X 6yd / 3" X 7yd 2/Pack
8830UBZ-TN 3" X 6yd / 3" X 7yd 16/Case

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