How Does Vashe Wound Cleaning Solution Work?
- Many wound cleansers historically have had characteristics that limit their desirability for use in wound care.
- Cytotoxicity to the cells necessary for optimal healing must be minimized.
- Stability of compounds affect the time a cleanser can be effective on a wound.
- Extremes of pH can make the cleanser range from uncomfortable to painful.
- Steadmed Vashe Wound Cleansing Solution has addressed each of these drawbacks and serves as an ideal wound cleanser.
- It is intended for cleaning, irrigating, moistening, debriding and removal of foreign material including microorganisms from acute and chronic dermal lesions, such as stage I-IV pressure ulcers, stasis ulcers, diabetic ulcers, post-surgical wounds, first and second degree burns, abrasions and minor irritations of the skin in addition to moistening and lubricating absorbent wound dressings.
- Safe, non-cytotoxic, and contains the highest concentration of pure hypochlorous acid.
- It is the most natural of wound cleansers since hypochlorous acid is nature’s way of dealing with pathogens in the human inflammatory system.
Benefits of Vashe Wound Cleanser:
- Steadmed Vashe Wound Cleansing Solution is safe for all types of wounds
- Produced at a skin-friendly pH, so it remains safe to patients, clinicians, and the environment
- Moistens and lubricates absorbent wound dressings
- Cleanses, debrides and removes microorganisms from the wound
- Cleared for use on acute and chronic lesions
- No clinical contraindications for use
- Moistens and lubricates absorbent wound dressings
- Vashe Wound Cleansing Solution has a two year shelf life from date on the bottle
- Once opened, the solution has a life of 30 days
When to use Vashe Wound Cleansing Solution?
Vashe Wound Solution is intended for cleansing, irrigating, moistening, debriding, and removing foreign material, including microorganisms from:
- Acute and chronic dermal lesions
- Stage I-IV pressure ulcers
- Stasis ulcers- Diabetic ulcers
- Post-surgical wounds
- First- and second-degree burns
- Abrasions and minor irritations of the skin Grafted and donor sites
- Exit sites
How to Use Vashe Wound Cleanser?
Vashe Wound Cleanser can be used in following ways:
- Irrigate the wound and peri-wound area with Vashe Wound Solution to remove cellular debris and excessive wound drainage from the area to be treated.
- Refresh the treated area with additional Vashe Wound Cleanser, allowing it to pool in wound areas that have sufficient depth.
- Saturate the wound dressing with Vashe Solution, then apply the dressing to the wound bed for 3-5 minutes to support the removal of nonviable tissue.
- If the application of a pre-soaked dressing is not practical due to the wound type or location
- Pour directly onto the wound site to flush or flood the wound for the appropriate contact time.
- Use in various types of baths to soak the wound for the appropriate contact time.
Cleansing contact time
- Normal use: 3-5 minutes per application.
- For heavy amounts of necrotic tissue and slough: 5-10 minutes using a generous amount of Vashe Solution and gauze dressing materials to irrigate and soak the wound prior to any debridement procedures.