Medline Remedy Specialized Skin Cream

Medline Remedy Specialized Skin Cream

Brand/Manufacturer: MEDLINE INDUSTRIES
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Item MSC0924432H is backorder and will be available to purchase once it is back in stock.

Medline Remedy Specialized Skin Cream can be used all over the body to moisturize, relieve and help repair dry, cracked skin. This skin repair cream has 5 percent dimethicone active ingredient which protects and relieves dry, cracked skin. It also features Phytoplex with jojoba esters, manuka honey, and other natural oils which help nourish skin cells. It is paraben-free and safe for all ages.

Item # Desc Pkg Price
MSC092404PACK Orange-Vanilla , 4ml 144/Pack
MSC0924402H Orange Vanilla Scented, 2oz Each
MSC0924402UNS Unscented, 2oz 24/Pack
MSC0924404H Orange Vanilla Scented, 4oz Each
MSC0924404 Orange Vanilla Scented, 4oz 12/Pack
MSC0924404UNS Unscented, 4oz 12/Pack
MSC0924432H Orange Vanilla Scented, 32oz Each
MSC0924432UNS Unscented, 32oz 12/Pack
MSC0924432 32oz 12/Pack
MSC0924434 Orange Vanilla Scented, 1000 ml 8/Pack
MSC0924404UNH Unscented, 4oz Each

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