TED Hose Thigh High Open Toe Anti-Embolism Latex-Free Compression Stockings

TED Hose Thigh High Open Toe Anti-Embolism Latex-Free Compression Stockings

Brand/Manufacturer: CARDINAL HEALTH
Authorized Retailer Badge
  • Latex Free
  • Made in USA

TED Hose Thigh High Open Toe Anti-Embolism Latex-Free Compression Stockings are designed to reduce venous stasis in the entire leg. Correct graduated compression from the ankle to the upper thigh helps ensure optimum blood flow velocity. Their inlay circumferential knit helps ensure proper pressure pattern and helps to prevent slippage. The interrupted band and functional gusset minimize stocking slippage without constricting circulation.

Item # Desc Pkg Price
3071LF Small, Short Pair
3071LF Small, Short 6/Pack
3310LF Medium, Short Pair
3634LF Large, Short Pair
3634LF Large, Short 6/Pack
3130LF Small, Regular Pair
3416LF Medium, Regular Pair
3728LF Large, Regular Pair
3728LF Large, Regular 6/Pack
3222LF Small, Long Pair
3222LF Small, Long 6/Pack
3549LF Medium, Long Pair
3549LF Medium, Long 6/Pack
3856LF Large, Long Pair

TED Hose Thigh High Open Toe Anti-Embolism Stockings Features

  • Thigh high ted hose is designed to maintain circulation
  • Easily adjustable
  • Minimize slippage
  • 2 ply gusset and uninterrupted band at thigh
  • Contoured seamless construction promotes comfortable fit without the constriction caused by harsh seams and ridges
  • Pressure break at popliteal protects critical popliteal area and promotes free leg movement
  • Inspection toe opening in these Thigh Length Stockings provides easy access for medical examination
  • Distinctive stitch pattern in knee area assists in correct positioning
  • Covidien Ted Stockings has unique soft material which enhances patient comfort
  • Teds Stockings prevent tourniquet effect with an interrupted band and functional two-ply panel
  • Protect patients after discharge
  • Help ensure uninterrupted baseline protection whatever is the patients level of risk or when pneumatic/impulse compression is interrupted
  • Color: White

When to use Cardinal Health TED Stockings?

  • To promote increased blood flow velocity in legs by compression of the deep venous system
  • To help prevent formation of Deep Vein Thrombosis

Clinically-Proven Pressure Pattern for TED Stockings

TED Anti-Embolism Stockings are clinically proven to reduce the incidence of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) up to 50% and to promote the increased blood flow velocity in legs 138% of baseline by compression of the deep venous system. They are also clinically proven to prevent the damaging effects of venous distension that occur during surgery and hospitalization.
TED Anti-Embolism Stockings apply the clinically-proven graduated pressure pattern of 18mmHg at ankle, 14mmHg at calf, 8mmHg at popliteal, 10mmHg at lower thigh and 8mmHg at upper thigh. It is important to measure the leg size of patient to assure that the appropriate pressure pattern is applied.

Clinically-Proven Pressure Pattern for TED Stockings

Cardinal Health TED Stocking Sizing Instructions

More Information

What is Deep Vein Thrombosis?

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is the name given to blood clots that can form in the veins of your leg following surgery or long periods of bed rest in the hospital, among other reasons. If the clot becomes loose, it can break away and travel through the veins to the heart and lungs and may block a major blood vessel. This is known as a Pulmonary Embolism or PE. Pulmonary Embolism is a serious condition which in some cases may be fatal.



How to use Cardinal Health TED Anti-Embolism Stockings?



TED Anti-Embolism Application Instructions
Insert hand into the stocking as far as the heel pocket.
TED Anti-Embolism Application Instructions
Grasp the center of the heel pocket and turn the stocking inside out to heel area.
TED Anti-Embolism Application Instructions
Carefully position the stocking over foot and heel. Be sure heel is centered in heel pocket.
TED Anti-Embolism Application Instructions
Begin pulling body of stocking up around the ankle and calf. The stitch change (change in fabric sheerness) should fall between one to two inches below the bend of the knee.
TED Anti-Embolism Application Instructions
As thigh portion of the stocking is applied, start rotating stocking inward so the gusset is centered over the femoral vein. The gusset is placed slightly towards the inside of the leg and the top band should rest in the gluteal fold (the line at the bottom of the buttocks). Smooth out any excess material keeping stitch change and gusset in place. Pull toe section forward to smooth ankle and instep to allow for toe comfort

TED Anti-Embolism Stocking Care And Laundering:

  • With correct care, Thigh High Ted Hose Stockings can last up to 10 washes
  • Stockings should be washed every 2 to 3 days or sooner if soiled
  • Laundering increases length of wear by removing bodily secretions from the elastic threads
  • Keep the stockings free from ointments, oils, lanolin, and similar substances which may deteriorate elastic
  • Stockings may be washed by hand or machine washed with cold water using a delicate cycle

Precautions to take while using Ted Thigh High Compression Stockings

  • Proper sizing and application must be assured
  • Avoid contact with chloric bleach

Stockings are not recommended for patients with the following:

  • Any local leg condition in which stockings would interfere, such as dermatitis, vein ligation(immediately postoperative), gangrene, or recent skin graft
  • Severe arteriosclerosis or other ischemic vascular disease
  • Massive edema of legs or pulmonary edema from congestive heart failure
  • Extreme deformity of leg


Size Calf Circumference Thigh Circumference Length
Small Short Less than 12" Less than 25" Less than 29"
Regular Less than 12" Less than 25" 29" to 33"
Long Less than 12" Less than 25" More than 33"
Medium Short 12" to 15" Less than 25" Less than 29"
Regular 12" to 15" Less than 25" 29" to 33"
Long 12" to 15" Less than 25" More than 33"
Large Short 15" to 17.5" Less than 25" Less than 29"
Regular 15" to 17.5" Less than 25" 29" to 33"
Long 15" to 17.5" Less than 25" More than 33"


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