Delta-Lite Plus Cast Tape

Delta-Lite Plus Cast Tape

Brand/Manufacturer: BSN MEDICAL
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Delta-Lite Plus Cast Tape is a fiberglass cast tape that combines fiberglass substrate and advanced water activated polyurethane resin system which provides low tack properties. The low tack properties allow easy application and molding using standard examination gloves. Provides good conformability, high lamination, excellent end lay down, and a smooth surface.

Item # Desc Pkg Price
7345801 2" x 4yd, White 10/Pack
7345835 2" x 4yd, Light Blue 10/Pack
7345845 2" x 4yd, Black 10/Pack
7345855 2" x 4yd, Pink 10/Pack
7345820 2" x 4yd, Deep Blue 10/Pack
7345846 3" x 4yd, Black 10/Pack

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