Amsino AMSure Male PVC Urethral Catheter

Amsino AMSure Male PVC Urethral Catheter

  • Prescription required
  • FSA Approved
  • Latex Free

Amsino AMSure PVC Urethral Catheters provide a smooth surface firm enough for insertion yet soft enough to be slightly pliable. These urethral catheters are designed for the short-term and are available in various French sizes. Short-term catheterization helps in decreasing the chances of urinary tract infections.

Highlights of AMSure PVC Intermittent Urethral Catheter

  • Sterile
  • BPA Free
  • Latex Free

Item # Desc Pkg Price
AS861612 12FR Each
AS861612 12FR 50/Pack
AS861614 14FR Each
AS861614 14FR 50/Pack
AS861616 16FR Each
AS861616 16FR 50/Pack

Features of AMSure Male PVC Urethral Catheters:

  • Staggered eyes of AMSure PVC Urethral Catheter help maintain tip strength during insertion. They also promote efficient drainage
  • Clear shaft of urinary catheter provides easy viewing as the user measures
  • PVC material eliminates the latex allergy concerns

How to insert a Amsino AMSure Male PVC Urethral Catheter ?

  • Begin by washing hands well with soap and water.
  • Collect the needed supplies, including catheter, a towelette or other cleaning wipe, lubricant, and a drainage bag to collect the urine if the user is not planning to sit on the toilet.
  • Use clean disposable gloves for the catheterization process.
  • Move back the foreskin of penis if the user is uncircumcised.
  • Wash the tip of penis with an antiseptic cleaner, a towelette, soap and water, or baby wipes.
  • Apply the K-Y Jelly or another gel to the tip and top 2 inches (5 centimeters) of the catheter.
  • With one hand, hold penis straight out.
  • Use another hand to insert the catheter using firm, gentle pressure. DO NOT force the catheter in. Start over if it is not going in well.
  • Once the catheter is in, urine will start to flow.
  • After urine starts to flow, gently push in the catheter about 2 more inches (5 centimeters), or to the "Y" connector.
  • Let the urine drain into the toilet or drainage bag.
  • When the urine stops, remove the catheter slowly. Pinch the end closed to avoid getting wet.
  • Wash the end of penis with a clean cloth or baby wipe. Make sure the foreskin is back in place if the user is uncircumcised.
  • Empty the drainage bag into the toilet.
  • Wash hands with soap and water.


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