Amsino AMSure Male Latex Red Rubber Urethral Catheter

Amsino AMSure Male Latex Red Rubber Urethral Catheter

  • Prescription required
  • FSA Approved

Amsino AMSure Male Latex Red Rubber Urethral Catheter is made up of soft red rubber latex and is designed to be inserted into the bladder of a patient to drain urine. This intermittent catheter is left inside the urethra momentarily until the urine drains. It need not be attached to a leg or drainage bag and can easily drain into a bedpan or toilet.

AMSure Red Rubber Catheter Highlights

  • Radiopaque
  • Single-use
  • Sterile
  • 16" uncoated catheter
  • Soft and pliable
  • Straight tip

Item # Desc Pkg Price
AS44014 14FR AMSure Red Rubber Catheter Each
AS44014 14FR AMSure Red Rubber Catheter 100/Pack
AS44016 16FR AMSUre Orange Rubber Catheter Each
AS44016 16FR AMSUre Orange Rubber Catheter 100/Pack
AS44018 18FR AMSUre Red Rubber Catheter Each
AS44018 18FR AMSUre Red Rubber Catheter 100/Pack
AS44020 20FR AMSure Red Rubber Catheter Each
AS44020 20FR AMSure Red Rubber Catheter 100/Pack

Why choose Amsino Red Rubber Catheter?

What to buy with Red Rubber Urethral Catheter?


Amsino Red Rubber Urethral Catheter Specifications

Catheter Length 16 Inches
Catheter Material Red Rubber



Catheter Funnel Funnel End

Catheter Style

Uncoated Catheters

Catheter French Size 14FR,20FR
Drainage Eyes Two Eyelet


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