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Amerigel Hydrogel Wound Dressing is FDA-approved, provides moist wound healing, and reduces scarring. Amerigel wound dressing advanced formula provides moist wound healing through its unique ability to address multiple wound concerns simultaneously. The hydrating base in the hydrogel wound dressing provides the necessary moisture to assist the body in creating an optimum wound healing environment. Zinc works together with the hydrating base to prevent scabs from forming, which can delay the healing process and lead to scarring.
The following are general guidelines and recommendations and do not take the place of proper medical care by a qualified provider. Remove the Previous Dressing
Cleansing the Wound
Applying Amerigel Hydrogel Wound Dressing
Dressing the Wound
Dosage and Administration Apply a thin layer to cover the wound bed and overlap onto the peri-wound skin. Cover with a moist saline gauze or a secondary dressing of choice. Amerigel Dressing User Guide
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