Buy Sports Tapes | Kinesiology Tapes | Pre Wrap Tapes [Save Up To 40%]



Sports tape, also known as athletic tape, is a pressure-sensitive tape designed to be applied directly to the skin or over the pre-wrap tape to help maintain a stable position of muscles and bones during athletic activity. When applied to the skin, athletic tape prevents bone, joint, or muscle injuries and protects the injured areas. The tape stretches the skin away from the injured tissue and compresses the area in which it is used, relieving swelling and pain. Athletic tapes come in various lengths, widths, and colors.

Shop wound care offers a huge collection of top-quality sports tapes, including kinesiology tapes, strapping tapes, pre-wrap tapes at discounted prices. These tapes provide support plus prevent sprains and sports-related injuries. We carry tapes for securing lateral knee braces as a compression wrap for padding and cold packs, for realigning shoulder-related structures, to protect muscles and various body parts from strain and injury during physical activities.

Who benefits from Sports Tape?

  • People whose professions involve hard physical work and repetitive movements like factory workers, construction workers, miners, etc.
  • Sportspersons and other physically active people, including joggers, cyclists, golfers, and other exercise enthusiasts.
  • People who sit at a desk and work for long periods every day, or people who are leading sedentary lifestyles.
  • People who suffer from bad posture or poor sleeping habits, etc.
  • People who suffer from joint, muscle, or tendon injuries due to diseases or accidents.

Types of Sports Tapes 

Rigid TapeIt is thick, non-stretchy, and when wrapped tightly, it helps stabilize the joints and reduce the risk of injury during athletic activity. It is fabricated with zinc-oxide and strongly adheres to the skin. The tape should be used only for a short period.

Under Tape: This type of tape goes under the rigid tape, and it is gentler on the skin.

Elastic Tape: Elastic tape is more flexible and can be applied to the skin, soft tissues, and muscles. It is typically made of cotton, which lets the skin breathe.

Felt Tape: This tape acts as a barrier to the skin and includes no glue. It is usually more comfortable than other tapes.

Cohesive Bandage: These bandages do not have any glue, but they stick to each other when wrapped around a joint or muscle. 

Kinesiology Tape: This tape is extremely stretchy and flexible. It adjusts to the skin and allows the user a full range of motion. The natural stretch found in this tape provides a gentle lift to the skin, which improves circulation and provides sensory feedback to the problem area. It supports the body while allowing blood and other fluids to move freely through and around the injured areas. The kinesiology tape lightly adheres to the skin and stabilizes the injured area by applying pressure to the tissues the tape is wrapped around.

What is the difference between Athletic Tape and Kinesiology Tape?

The athletic tape acts as a supportive tape. When used on athletes, it helps protect joints and prevent further damage by providing support around an injured joint or muscle. These tapes are applied around the hands, wrist, ankles, and feet for a specific athletic activity. It should be applied for a short time before an activity and removed immediately after the activity. The tape is not waterproof, and the retained moisture can irritate the skin if left for too long.

On the other hand, KT tape is stretchy and is used for corrective and supportive purposes. It mimics human skin and allows a normal range of motion while still providing support. The kinesiology tape is water-resistant and can be worn for three to five days without skin irritation.

Benefits of KT Tape

  • Reduces risk of injury
  • Supports injured muscles
  • Reduces swelling and inflammation
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Prevents and relieves muscle spasms and cramping
  • Speeds up muscle recovery
  • Improves muscle tone and strength
  • Offers comfort

What is Pre-Wrap used for?

Pre-wrap is a soft foam material designed to be put on underneath the athletic tape. It serves as a protective layer for skin and body hair and prevents the skin from tape chafing and sticking. It adheres to itself but does not stick to other materials. It is used on the ankles, feet, knees, and other joints to add a base layer for areas requiring athletic tape support. It can be used to hold back hair, pads, socks and to affix cold packs in place. Cramer All Sport Tape Underwrap is a non-latex foam wrap specially designed to protect the skin from adhesive tape.

Buying guide for Athletic Tapes

1. Material

Athletic tapes come in nylon, synthetic, and cotton material. The material of the tape defines its durability. So, it is an important factor while choosing an athletic tape. Buy tapes made with strong material that does not rip apart during use. Also, ensure the material is lightweight and offers enough ventilation for the skin to breathe.

2. Support

Support is the most crucial factor to consider while buying the best athletic tape. Most sports tapes come in different sizes and widths to give you the maximum support. So before purchasing the right product, you should consider the area where you want to apply the tape and what size best works for that.

3. Adhesion

The tape should provide strong adhesion to be used for an extended period. The best tape would leave no residue after removal.

4. Comfort

Some people are allergic to latex and certain adhesives used in the tape. If you have sensitive skin, it is good to look at the ingredients used in the product to make sure it will not cause you any allergic reactions.

5. Stretch

The tape should be elastic enough to provide desired stretchability and performance to get the best results—the more the stretchability of the tape, the more the comfort.

Where to buy Best Athletic Tapes online?

Shop Wound Care carries an extensive range of superior quality sports tapes that are essential tools for athletes from leading manufacturers like KT Health, MedlineBSN, and many more. Shop now and relieve your muscular pain.

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