
Puracol is a leading brand of Medline Industries, which produces best long-term wound care products. Puracol collagen dressing is a 100% collagen wound dressing that provides some advantage over non-collagen dressings. Gentle manufacturing technology preserves the natural structure of collagen, resulting in more availability of collagen to wound for a longer span of time. During the process of wound healing, Puracol collagen dressing is slowly absorbed into the wound as collagen is used to rebuild the wound bed. Puracol wound dressing decreases healing time, protects against infection and increases skin re-growth.

Puracol Microscaffold collagen wound dressing comes both as a pad and rope. Pad can be cut to shape to properly fit the wound area. The innovative rope configuration is ideal for tunneling wounds that are difficult to dress. It overcomes the drawback of non-biodegradable dressing materials that are retained in the wound even after their removal. Puracol Ag contains silver to combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria and chronic infections that prevent the wound from healing. Silver provides a tough barrier to microbes, helping in the natural healing process.

Puracol Plus Collagen Dressing

Puracol Plus Collagen Dressing comes as a white fibrous sheet. It becomes clear when placed on the wound as the exudate from the wound soaks into it. Over a period of time, collagen in the dressing is broken down and used by the body. Puracol Plus Microscaffold collagen wound dressing disintegrates in a more controlled fashion in a fluid environment. It disappears as soon as it is absorbed in the wound. When collagen pad is no longer seen, it is the time to change the bandage. Breaking down of Puracol dressing at the wound site increases wound comfort and allows the placement of a new dressing without causing any damage to the new skin growth. Open porous structure of the dressing increases the internal surface area.

Puracol collagen dressing comes in sheet as well as rope form for filling up the deep and tunneling wounds. 100% native bovine collagen present in this dressing helps in boosting the healing of stalled chronic wounds. Puracol collagen dressing features MicroScaffold structure that provides a longer wear time of up to 7 days. It has high gel integrity and 100% collagen with a high degree of nativity. This biodegradable dressing helps promote a natural wound environment that is conducive to healing. Puracol Plus Collagen Dressing can be used along with negative pressure wound therapy.

Collagen performs various functions that aid in wound healing:

  • Just like scaffold protein that is naturally present in the body, Puracol attracts cells that speed up healing and provides them path to travel around the wound site.
  • Enzymes released into the wound bed break down collagen. Puracol negates the adverse effects of these enzymes by offering excess collagen to the wound area.

Puracol Plus AG Collagen Dressing

Natural wound healing includes 3 distinct but overlapping phases. They are inflammatory, proliferation and maturation in order. In normal wound healing, each of these phases progresses in a systematic way and an orderly fashion. The bacteria that enter the wound can cause disruption, resulting in delayed healing and serious health consequences. Puracol Plus Ag dressing is a superb blend of collagen structure of Puracol Plus and antibacterial properties of silver. Instead of directly causing the wounds to heal faster, Puracol Ag dressing reduces the number of infectious bacteria, lifting the burden from the immune system of the body. Silver works in multifaceted ways which incorporates disruption of the ability of bacteria to form chemical bonds. The silver ions within the dressing interrupt metabolic processes and inhibit the growth of bacteria. It is tough for bacteria to provide resistance to silver. With Puracol silver collagen dressing, bacteria in the environment will be kept out of the wound.

Puracol collagen dressing with silver is recommended to be used when dealing with infected wounds, where antibiotic resistant bacteria are present. Discoloration of skin around the wound area can occur due to the use of silver dressing. This is usually temporary and harmless. An irreversible, more severe skin discoloration throughout the body called argyria can occur from consuming silver, but silver dressings are not shown to cause this.

Just like Puracol Plus, Puracol Plus Ag dressing also comes in sheet as well as rope form. Puracol silver rope dressing is ideal for filling the deep and tunneling wounds. It is appropriate for stalled wounds where silver is required for its antimicrobial properties. 100% native bovine collagen infused with ionic silver manages bioburden and helps jump-start chronic stalled wounds. It is non-staining and helps promote natural healing.

How Puracol Plus Collagen Dressing Works?

Elevated level of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) is one of the key factors of chronic wounds. MMPs at elevated levels break down necrotic tissue as well as viable collagen produced during the process of wound healing. This may lead to stalled wounds. Use of native collagen wound dressings can help manage chronic wounds. Excess MMP activity may be reduced by the addition of collagen to the wound bed to promote the wound healing cycle.

MicroScaffold, a 3-dimensional 100% native collagen structure forms the basis of Puracol Plus. During processing, this native triple-helix is preserved. It is less likely that collagen of Puracol Plus converts to a jelly-like paste immediately or gets absorbed by the secondary dressing. Collagen dressings cannot exert their natural healing properties if they solubilize between dressing changes. Microscopic techniques and sensitive analytical tests show that Puracol collagen dressing retains its triple helix structure better than denatured collagen dressings.

When To Use Puracol Plus?

Puracol collagen dressing can be used over a wide variety of wounds. It is indicated for the following:

  • Pressure, venous, diabetic ulcers
  • Ulcers caused by mixed vascular etiologies
  • Partial and full-thickness wounds
  • Donor sites and other surface wounds
  • Dehisced surgical wounds
  • Traumatic wounds healing by secondary intention
  • Abrasions
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