Types of Bandages and Dressing

Reviewed by Christine Kijek, Registered Colorectal Nurse, on October 10, 2022

Introduction      |    Self -Adherent Wrap      |    Conforming Bandage      |    Adhesive Bandages      |    Elastic bandages

Elastic bandages are knitted, breathable, and suited for general use, offering support and compression. This 90% cotton and 10% polyester bandage serves as an ideal secondary bandage. Clips are required to secure it to itself. They are available without clips and can be secured by Velcro closure.

You might define a bandage as a material such as gauze or adhesive-backed fabric to protect, immobilize, compress or support a wound or injured part of the body.

There are many that would group wound dressings and bandages in the same category but for the purposes of this article, we’ll separate bandages into their own category

What are the types of first-aid dressing and bandages?

3M Coban Self-Adherent Wrap - Sterile

A self-adherent wrap bandage is a cohesive wrap that sticks to itself and not to skin, hair or dressing material. It is a secondary dressing that functions like a tape to hold the primary dressing in place without tension around digits or limbs. Its comfortable, porous and lightweight construction encourages patient compliance.

AMD MediStretch Conforming Bandage

A conforming bandage gently secures a primary dressing to body contours without the restriction of movement and accommodates an increase or decrease in swelling. The uniquely constructed weave and finished edges help eliminate unraveling and lint. The combination of rayon and polyester helps the bandage to provide stretch memory when applied.

AMD MediStretch Conforming Bandage

The non-adherent pad protects granulating tissue and the hypoallergenic adhesive bandages provide long-lasting protection.

3M ACE Elastic Bandage With E-Z Clips

Elastic bandages are knitted, breathable, and suited for general use, offering support and compression. This 90% cotton and 10% polyester bandage serves as an ideal secondary bandage. Clips are required to secure it to itself. They are available without clips and can be secured by Velcro closure.

Specialty bandages are available to protect sensitive skin, cushion bony areas, prevent ulcers, blisters, corn or chaffing.



How to Choose the Appropriate Wound Dressing?

There are many various types of wound dressings available based on the wound characteristics. Learning the types of dressings is the first step to understanding which is the right one for your wound. Once you've learned about the types of wound dressings, inspect the wound, ask yourself these questions and choose the right one for you:

  • What is the nature of the wound?
  • What is the state of the surrounding tissue?
  • What do the wound's edges look like?
  • Is there any drainage?


Where to buy wound dressing online?

At Shop Woundcare, You can find various wound dressings from experienced manufacturers like MedlineMckessonColoplast, and BSN Medical at the best prices. Browse through our huge collection and pick the best one for you.

Healing isn’t magic

It’s science, whether it’s as simple as a small adhesive bandage or a specialty bandage, always follow the wound care plan prescribed by your doctor or medical professional. Patient compliance in the use of bandages is the best course for proper and timely wound recovery.

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