Frequently Asked Questions on Odor Absorbent Dressing

Odor Absorbent Dressing
What is Malodor?
Malodor relates to anaerobic colonization, the presence of aerobic organisms of gut origin and yeasts can also exacerbate unpleasant smells. In another words nonsporing anaerobes that colonize lesions release volatile fatty acids as metabolic end products that are responsible for the characteristic putrid odor.
What are the consequences of malodor?
It can cause psychological distress for patient and will often lead to feelings of loneliness, depression, repulsion, social isolation and also poses a considerable challenge to caregivers. The most effective way of dealing with malodorous wounds is to prevent or eradicate the infection responsible for odor.
What are the applications of Odor Absorbent Dressings?
1. It can be used as a direct dressing applied to the wound
2. Tertiary Dressing incorporated within the crepe and can be re-used if not soiled.
What are the types of Odor Absorbent Dressings?
- Activated Charcoal Dressings
- Metronidazole Gel
- Honey Dressings
- Hydrogel Dressings
What dressings can be used to control odor?
Activated charcoal dressings are able to absorb odor from wounds. Charcoal dressings can be combined with silver and advanced wound products. The wound may also need to be cleansed or debrided. Good exudate management is important.
What are the performance indicators of Odor Absorbent Dressings?
- Fluid-handling
- Low adherence