Selecting the Right Medical Tape

Introduction     |    How to Choose?     |    Allergies      |    For Sensitive Skin     |    Application of Medical Tapes

Understanding and applying a simple tape is not rocket science. However, when we talk about using a medical tape, we do need some kind of information about its proper usage and application. Since we apply the medical tape directly to the skin we must be cautious of what we use and how we use them. Proper adhesion of the medical tape, easy removal and possibility of any kind of allergies need to be taken into account before considering any medical tape.

It is necessary to use the right product and know the proper use of it. Here you will find some useful tips and the method to select the right medical tape.

Searching for the Right Medical Tape?

To choose the right tape out of the all the different options, consider these two most important points:

  • The skin shouldn’t be allergic to the tape nor should it cause irritation
  • The application of the tape should be simple and hassle-free

Allergies related to Medical Tapes

Allergies caused by medical tapes can be easily recognized. High discomfort, increased itching, increased redness on the surrounding skin, etc., are the most common ways to diagnose allergies. Buy a medical tape after understanding “what are you allergic to”. There are a number of things that can cause allergies, such as:

  • The tape causing the allergy
  • The adhesive causing the allergy or
  • The latex sensitivity

The easiest way to start is by using latex-free medical tapes. These tapes help in preventing skin allergies caused by latex. But despite its use allergies are caused, go for hypoallergenic tape. Remember hypoallergenic is the nature of tape but not of adhesive.

If allergies still persist after using hypoallergenic tape, then the possibility is that the skin is reacting to the adhesive. These allergies can be prevented by using silicone-based adhesive.

Medical Tapes for Sensitive Skin

While keeping the sensitive skin in mind, prefer choosing a tape that allows the skin to breathe. This exposes moisture to the air that may cause irritation. Opt for cloth medical tapes such as 3M Medipore H Soft Cloth Surgical Tape. It is a hypoallergenic and latex-free tape which provides strong adhesion and high conformability for challenging applications. The non-woven polyester material of this tape is soft and gentle to the skin, and reduces the risk of skin irritations. 3M Medipore cloth tape is especially useful for securing wound dressings, catheters and tubing in sensitive patients.

Also, there are medical tapes available with varying adhesive strength. If the tape doesn’t seem to stick well, try opting for medical tape with strong adhesion otherwise medical paper tapes are gentle enough to hold the dressing properly.

Application of Medical Tapes

Application of the medical tape depends on the plan of using it. Let’s say, if the medical tape is intended to hold the dressing in place, then opt for dressing retention tapes. For instance, the Derma Ultrafix Dressing Retention Tape is a fixative tape that focuses on securing primary wound dressings such as foams and gauzes to the skin. It is made up of a non-woven, breathable material, making it gentle to the skin. This latex free and non-sterile tape comes in a variety of width options that can be cut to any size, as per the user requirements. If the intention is to keep the medical tape on while taking shower or sweating, it is best to choose waterproof medical tapes. For situations where you want a medical tape to prevent sprains and sports-related injuries, sports tapes prove to be the best choice.


It is best considered to consult thoroughly with the healthcare professional before using any kind of medical tape. Know its advantages, disadvantages and proper procedure of application. Keep the emergency number ready in case the skin allergy doesn’t seem to be under control. 


Disclaimer: All content found on our website, including images, videos, infographics and text were created solely for informational purposes. Our content should never be used for the purpose of diagnosis or treatment of any medical conditions. Content shared on our websites is not meant to be used as a substitute for advice from a certified medical professional. Reliance on the information provided on our website as a basis for patient treatment is solely at your own risk. We urge all our customers to always consult a physician or a certified medical professional before trying or using a new medical product.